08 July 2009


!!!! You could call me giddy- whole way home, I think Jill got a little annoyed after awhile lol. But this was our Dinner! I wanted to get more but Jill wouldn't let me. We don't have a lot of room in our bags. Ill get more in Paris!
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Even in a clean city Lara managed to find some mud to walk through.
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We found some Ben and jerrys that Lara didn't have yet. So we got them. And now we're back in the hotel. Getting our stuff together so we're ready to leave for berlin tomorrow morning! Yay !
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fries w mayo. Very Dutch. :)
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More hard rock. The bartender here is from Santa Rosa. Near healsburg. He knew Colin..from boulder. How random!
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At the hard rock cafe.
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1pm. And we've finished the van gogh museum. No pics were allowed but we had fun. Bought lots of post cards. Its raining. And we found a hard rock. We're in the bar waiting for a table. Totally enjoying ourselves. After lunch we're gonna walk in vondelpark for a second. Then head back toward the city center. Good last day in Amsterdam. :). Tomorrow: berlin!
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A Dutch pirate wench! We called her heather too :)
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We are up early! 9:00 and will be out the door by 1015! Its raining so hopefully the line for Anne Frank won't be as long- seeing the possible positive! Were excited either way, we got a really cute umbrella yesterday! It says Amsterdam all over it. Excited to use it because yesterday it was raining so we bought it then it stopped raining. Blog again soon!
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We are up early! 9:00 and will be out the door by 1015! Its raining so hopefully the line for Anne Frank won't be as long- seeing the possible positive! Were excited either way, we got a really cute umbrella yesterday! It says Amsterdam all over it. Excited to use it because yesterday it was raining so we bought it then it stopped raining. Blog again soon!
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